

Groonga 11.1.3リリース

Groonga 11.1.3をリリースしました!

それぞれの環境毎のインストール方法: インストール




  • snippet 32個以上のキーワードを使えるようにしました。

    いままで、 snippet は32個以上のキーワードを指定できませんでしたが、この改良によって以下のように32個以上のキーワードを指定できます。

    table_create Entries TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Entries content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    load --table Entries
    {"content": "Groonga is a fast and accurate full text search engine based on inverted index. One of the characteristics of Groonga is that a newly registered document instantly appears in search results. Also, Groonga allows updates without read locks. These characteristics result in superior performance on real-time applications.\nGroonga is also a column-oriented database management system (DBMS). Compared with well-known row-oriented systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, column-oriented systems are more suited for aggregate queries. Due to this advantage, Groonga can cover weakness of row-oriented systems.\nThe basic functions of Groonga are provided in a C library. Also, libraries for using Groonga in other languages, such as Ruby, are provided by related projects. In addition, groonga-based storage engines are provided for MySQL and PostgreSQL. These libraries and storage engines allow any application to use Groonga. See usage examples."},
    {"content": "In widely used DBMSs, updates are immediately processed, for example, a newly registered record appears in the result of the next query. In contrast, some full text search engines do not support instant updates, because it is difficult to dynamically update inverted indexes, the underlying data structure.\nGroonga also uses inverted indexes but supports instant updates. In addition, Groonga allows you to search documents even when updating the document collection. Due to these superior characteristics, Groonga is very flexible as a full text search engine. Also, Groonga always shows good performance because it divides a large task, inverted index merging, into smaller tasks."}
    select Entries \
      --output_columns ' \
      snippet(content, \
      "groonga", "inverted", "index", "fast", "full", "text", "search", "engine", "registered", "document", \
      "results", "appears", "also", "system", "libraries", "for", "mysql", "postgresql", "column-oriented", "dbms", \
      "basic", "ruby", "projects", "storage", "allow", "application", "usage", "sql", "well-known", "real-time", \
      "weakness", "merging", "performance", "superior", "large", "dynamically", "difficult", "query", "examples", "divides", \
      { \
        "default_open_tag": "[", \
        "default_close_tag": "]", \
        "width" : 2048 \
              "[Groonga] is a [fast] and accurate [full] [text] [search] [engine] based on [inverted] [index]. One of the characteristics of [Groonga] is that a newly [registered] [document] instantly [appears] in [search] [results]. [Also], [Groonga] [allow]s updates without read locks. These characteristics result in [superior] [performance] on [real-time] [application]s.\n[Groonga] is [also] a [column-oriented] database management [system] ([DBMS]). Compared with [well-known] row-oriented [system]s, such as [MySQL] and [PostgreSQL], [column-oriented] [system]s are more suited [for] aggregate queries. Due to this advantage, [Groonga] can cover [weakness] of row-oriented [system]s.\nThe [basic] functions of [Groonga] are provided in a C library. [Also], [libraries] [for] using [Groonga] in other languages, such as [Ruby], are provided by related [projects]. In addition, [groonga]-based [storage] [engine]s are provided [for] [MySQL] and [PostgreSQL]. These [libraries] and [storage] [engine]s [allow] any [application] to use [Groonga]. See [usage] [examples]."
              "In widely used [DBMS]s, updates are immediately processed, [for] example, a newly [registered] record [appears] in the result of the next [query]. In contrast, some [full] [text] [search] [engine]s do not support instant updates, because it is [difficult] to [dynamically] update [inverted] [index]es, the underlying data structure.\n[Groonga] [also] uses [inverted] [index]es but supports instant updates. In addition, [Groonga] [allow]s you to [search] [document]s even when updating the [document] collection. Due to these [superior] characteristics, [Groonga] is very flexible as a [full] [text] [search] [engine]. [Also], [Groonga] always shows good [performance] because it [divides] a [large] task, [inverted] [index] [merging], into smaller tasks."
  • NormalizerNFKC130 新しいオプション remove_symbol を追加しました。

    このオプションは、以下のように正規化対象の文字列から記号(例えば #, !, ", &, % 等)を削除します。

    normalize   'NormalizerNFKC130("remove_symbol", true)'   "#This & is %% a pen."   WITH_TYPES
        "normalized": "this  is  a pen",
        "types": [
        "checks": [
  • AlmaLinux ARM64版 AlmaLinux 8 向けのパッケージをサポートしました。

  • [httpd] バンドルしているnginxのバージョンを1.21.5に更新しました。

  • [Documentation] ruby_eval の誤記を修正しました。

  • Ubuntu Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) のサポートをやめました。

    Ubuntu 21.04 は、2022年1月20日でEOLとなったためです。


  • load 存在しないカラムを指定してロードした時にクラッシュする問題を修正しました。

    この問題は、 load の引数として、 input_typeapache-arrow を指定したときのみ発生します。

  • Groongaが依存している arrow-libs がバージョンアップしたことによって、Groongaのバージョンアップが失敗する問題を修正しました。

    ただし、 arrow-libs がメジャーバージョンアップした場合は、この問題は再発します。その場合は、Groongaパッケージを再構築して対応する予定です。


  • 現在Groongaには、ベクターカラムに対してデータを大量に追加、削除、更新した際にデータが破損することがある問題があります。

  • *<*> は、filter条件の右辺に query() を使う時のみ有効です。もし、以下のように指定した場合、 *<*>&& として機能します。

    • 'content @ "Groonga" *< content @ "Mroonga"'
  • GRN_II_CURSOR_SET_MIN_ENABLE が原因でマッチするはずのレコードを返さないことがあります。



お知らせ 11.1.3リリース
