

Groonga 11.0.7 has been released

Groonga 11.0.7 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • load Added support for casting a string like as "[int, int,…]" to a vector of integer like as [int, int,…].

    For example, Groonga handle as a vector of integer like as [1, -2] even if we load vector of string like as "[1, -2]" as below.

      table_create Data TABLE_NO_KEY
      column_create Data numbers COLUMN_VECTOR Int16
      table_create Numbers TABLE_PAT_KEY Int16
      column_create Numbers data_numbers COLUMN_INDEX Data numbers
      load --table Data
      {"numbers": "[1, -2]"},
      {"numbers": "[-3, 4]"}
      dump   --dump_plugins no   --dump_schema no
      load --table Data
      column_create Numbers data_numbers COLUMN_INDEX Data numbers
      select Data --filter 'numbers @ -2'

    This feature supports for the floowings types.

    • Int8
    • UInt8
    • Int16
    • UInt16
    • Int32
    • UInt32
    • Int64
    • UInt64
  • load Added support for loading a JSON array expressed as a text string as a vector of string.

    For example, Groonga handle as a vector that has two elements like as ["hello", "world"] if we load JSON array expressed as a text string like as "["hello", "world"]" as below.

      table_create Data TABLE_NO_KEY
      column_create Data strings COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
      table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText   --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130   --default_tokenizer TokenNgram
      column_create Terms data_strings COLUMN_INDEX Data strings
      load --table Data
      {"strings": "[\"Hello\", \"World\"]"},
      {"strings": "[\"Good-bye\", \"World\"]"}
      dump   --dump_plugins no   --dump_schema no
      load --table Data
      column_create Terms data_strings COLUMN_INDEX Data strings
      select Data --filter 'strings @ "bye"'

    In before version, Groonga handled as a vector that had one element like as ["["hello", "world"]"] if we loaded JSON array expressed as a text string like as "["hello", "world"]".

  • [Documentation] Added a documentation about the following items.

  • Updated to 3.0.0 that the version of Apache Arrow that Groonga requires.


  • Fixed a memory leak when we created a table with a tokenizer with invalid option.

  • Fixed a bug that may not add a new entry in Hash table.

    This bug only occurs in Groonga 11.0.6, and it may occur if we quite a lot of add and delete data. If this bug occurs in your environment, you can resolve this problem by executing the following steps.

    1. We upgrade Groonga to 11.0.7 or later from 11.0.6.
    2. We make a new table that has the same schema as the original table.
    3. We copy data to the new table from the original table.
  • [Windows] Fixed a resource leak when Groonga fail open a new file caused by out of memory.

Known Issues

  • Currently, Groonga has a bug that there is possible that data is corrupt when we execute many additions, delete, and update data to vector column.

  • [The browser based administration tool] Currently, Groonga has a bug that a search query that is inputted to non-administration mode is sent even if we input checks to the checkbox for the administration mode of a record list.

  • *< and *> only valid when we use query() the right side of filter condition. If we specify as below, *< and *> work as &&.

    • 'content @ "Groonga" *< content @ "Mroonga"'
  • Groonga may not return records that should match caused by GRN_II_CURSOR_SET_MIN_ENABLE.


Please refert to the following news for more details.

News Release 11.0.7

Let's search by Groonga!