Groonga 11.0.7 has been released
Groonga 11.0.7 has been released!
How to install: Install
Here are important changes in this release:
load Added support for casting a string like as "[int, int,…]" to a vector of integer like as [int, int,…].
For example, Groonga handle as a vector of integer like as [1, -2] even if we load vector of string like as "[1, -2]" as below.
table_create Data TABLE_NO_KEY column_create Data numbers COLUMN_VECTOR Int16 table_create Numbers TABLE_PAT_KEY Int16 column_create Numbers data_numbers COLUMN_INDEX Data numbers load --table Data [ {"numbers": "[1, -2]"}, {"numbers": "[-3, 4]"} ] dump --dump_plugins no --dump_schema no load --table Data [ ["_id","numbers"], [1,[1,-2]], [2,[-3,4]] ] column_create Numbers data_numbers COLUMN_INDEX Data numbers select Data --filter 'numbers @ -2' [[0,0.0,0.0],[[[1],[["_id","UInt32"],["numbers","Int16"]],[1,[1,-2]]]]]
This feature supports for the floowings types.
- Int8
- UInt8
- Int16
- UInt16
- Int32
- UInt32
- Int64
- UInt64
load Added support for loading a JSON array expressed as a text string as a vector of string.
For example, Groonga handle as a vector that has two elements like as ["hello", "world"] if we load JSON array expressed as a text string like as "["hello", "world"]" as below.
table_create Data TABLE_NO_KEY [[0,0.0,0.0],true] column_create Data strings COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText [[0,0.0,0.0],true] table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130 --default_tokenizer TokenNgram [[0,0.0,0.0],true] column_create Terms data_strings COLUMN_INDEX Data strings [[0,0.0,0.0],true] load --table Data [ {"strings": "[\"Hello\", \"World\"]"}, {"strings": "[\"Good-bye\", \"World\"]"} ] [[0,0.0,0.0],2] dump --dump_plugins no --dump_schema no load --table Data [ ["_id","strings"], [1,["Hello","World"]], [2,["Good-bye","World"]] ] column_create Terms data_strings COLUMN_INDEX Data strings select Data --filter 'strings @ "bye"' [ [ 0, 0.0, 0.0 ], [ [ [ 1 ], [ [ "_id", "UInt32" ], [ "strings", "ShortText" ] ], [ 2, [ "Good-bye", "World" ] ] ] ] ]
In before version, Groonga handled as a vector that had one element like as ["["hello", "world"]"] if we loaded JSON array expressed as a text string like as "["hello", "world"]".
[Documentation] Added a documentation about the following items.
column_create Added a documentation about
flag. -
NormalizerNFKC121 Added a documentation about
. -
NormalizerNFKC130 Added a documentation about
. -
NormalizerTable Added a documentation about
Updated to 3.0.0 that the version of Apache Arrow that Groonga requires.
Fixed a memory leak when we created a table with a tokenizer with invalid option.
Fixed a bug that may not add a new entry in Hash table.
This bug only occurs in Groonga 11.0.6, and it may occur if we quite a lot of add and delete data. If this bug occurs in your environment, you can resolve this problem by executing the following steps.
- We upgrade Groonga to 11.0.7 or later from 11.0.6.
- We make a new table that has the same schema as the original table.
- We copy data to the new table from the original table.
[Windows] Fixed a resource leak when Groonga fail open a new file caused by out of memory.
Known Issues
Currently, Groonga has a bug that there is possible that data is corrupt when we execute many additions, delete, and update data to vector column.
[The browser based administration tool] Currently, Groonga has a bug that a search query that is inputted to non-administration mode is sent even if we input checks to the checkbox for the administration mode of a record list.
only valid when we usequery()
the right side of filter condition. If we specify as below,*<
work as&&
.'content @ "Groonga" *< content @ "Mroonga"'
Groonga may not return records that should match caused by
Please refert to the following news for more details.
Let's search by Groonga!