

Groonga 12.1.1 has been released

Groonga 12.1.1 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • [select][POWER_SET] Vector’s power set is now able to aggregate with the drilldowns.

    A new option key_vector_expansion is added to drilldowns. Currently, NONE or POWER_SET can be specified for key_vector_expansion.

    Specifying POWER_SET to key_vector_expansion allows to aggregate for power set case. This method of aggregation is useful to aggregate total number of individual and combination tag occurrence at once.

    Following example is to see aggregating total number of individual and combination occurrence for following 3 tags, Groonga, Mroonga, and PGroonga.

    Sample case:

    table_create PowersetDrilldownMemos TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
    # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
    column_create PowersetDrilldownMemos tags COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
    # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
    load --table PowersetDrilldownMemos
    {"_key": "Groonga is fast!", "tags": ["Groonga"]},
    {"_key": "Mroonga uses Groonga!", "tags": ["Groonga", "Mroonga"]},
    {"_key": "PGroonga uses Groonga!", "tags": ["Groonga", "PGroonga"]},
    {"_key": "Mroonga and PGroonga are Groonga family", "tags": ["Groonga", "Mroonga", "PGroonga"]}
    # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 4]
    select PowersetDrilldownMemos \
      --drilldowns[tags].keys tags \
      --drilldowns[tags].key_vector_expansion POWER_SET \
      --drilldowns[tags].columns[power_set].stage initial \
      --drilldowns[tags].columns[power_set].value _key \
      --drilldowns[tags].columns[power_set].flags COLUMN_VECTOR \
      --drilldowns[tags].sort_keys 'power_set' \
      --drilldowns[tags].output_columns 'power_set, _nsubrecs' \
      --limit 0
    # [
    #   [
    #     0,
    #     1337566253.89858,
    #     0.000355720520019531
    #   ],
    #   [
    #     [
    #       [
    #         4
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "_id",
    #           "UInt32"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "_key",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "tags",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ]
    #       ]
    #     ],
    #     {
    #       "tags": [
    #         [
    #           7
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "power_set",
    #             "Text"
    #           ],
    #           [
    #             "_nsubrecs",
    #             "Int32"
    #           ]
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Groonga"
    #           ],
    #           4
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Mroonga"
    #           ],
    #           2
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "PGroonga"
    #           ],
    #           2
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Groonga",
    #             "Mroonga"
    #           ],
    #           2
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Groonga",
    #             "PGroonga"
    #           ],
    #           2
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Mroonga",
    #             "PGroonga"
    #           ],
    #           1
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           [
    #             "Groonga",
    #             "Mroonga",
    #             "PGroonga"
    #           ],
    #           1
    #         ]
    #       ]
    #     }
    #   ]
    # ]

    This result shows following.

    tag number of occurrence
    Groonga 4
    Mroonga 2
    PGroonga 2
    Groonga and Mroonga 2
    Groonga and PGroonga 2
    Mroonga and PGroonga 1
    Groonga and Mroonga and PGroonga 1

    This feature is complex. For more information, please refer to POWER_SET.

  • [select] Specific element of vector column is now able to be search target.

    It allows specific elements of vector column to be search targets that specifying the specific elements to match_columns with index number.

    Following is a sample case.

    table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Memos contents COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
    table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
    column_create Lexicon memo_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION|WITH_SECTION Memos contents
    load --table Memos
    [["I like Groonga", "Use Groonga with Ruby"]],
    [["I like Ruby", "Use Groonga"]]
    select Memos \
      --match_columns "contents[1]" \
      --query Ruby \
      --output_columns "contents, _score"
    # [
    #   [
    #     0,
    #     0.0,
    #     0.0
    #   ],
    #   [
    #     [
    #       [
    #         1
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "contents",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "_score",
    #           "Int32"
    #         ]
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "I like Groonga",
    #           "Use Groonga with Ruby"
    #         ],
    #         1
    #       ]
    #     ]
    #   ]
    # ]

    --match_columns "contents[1]" specifies only 2nd vector elements of contents as the search target. In this sample, ["I like Groonga", "Use Groonga with Ruby"] is shown in the results because Ruby is in 2nd element Use Groonga with Ruby. However, ["I like Ruby", "Use Groonga"] is not shown in results because Ruby is not in 2nd element Use Groonga.

  • [load] Added support for YYYY-MM-DD time format.

    YYYY-MM-DD is a general time format. Supporting this time format made load more useful.

    The time of the loaded value is set to 00:00:00 on the local time.

    plugin_register functions/time
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    table_create Logs TABLE_NO_KEY
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    column_create Logs created_at COLUMN_SCALAR Time
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    column_create Logs created_at_text COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    load --table Logs
    {"created_at": "2000-01-01", "created_at_text": "2000-01-01"}
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],1]
    select Logs --output_columns "time_format_iso8601(created_at), created_at_text"
    # [
    #   [
    #     0,
    #     0.0,
    #     0.0
    #   ],
    #   [
    #     [
    #       [
    #         1
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "time_format_iso8601",
    #           null
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "created_at_text",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ]
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000+09:00",
    #         "2000-01-01"
    #       ]
    #     ]
    #   ]
    # ]


  • [select] Fix a bug displaying a wrong label in drilldown results when command_version is 3.

    Following is a sample case.

    table_create Documents TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Documents tag1 COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    column_create Documents tag2 COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    load --table Documents
    {"tag1": "1", "tag2": "2"}
    select Documents --drilldown tag1,tag2 --command_version 3
    # {
    #   "header": {
    #     "return_code": 0,
    #     "start_time": 1672123380.653039,
    #     "elapsed_time": 0.0005846023559570312
    #   },
    #   "body": {
    #     "n_hits": 1,
    #     "columns": [
    #       {
    #         "name": "_id",
    #         "type": "UInt32"
    #       },
    #       {
    #         "name": "tag1",
    #         "type": "ShortText"
    #       },
    #       {
    #         "name": "tag2",
    #         "type": "ShortText"
    #       }
    #     ],
    #     "records": [
    #       [
    #         1,
    #         "1",
    #         "2"
    #       ]
    #     ],
    #     "drilldowns": {
    #       "ctor": {
    #         "n_hits": 1,
    #         "columns": [
    #           {
    #             "name": "_key",
    #             "type": "ShortText"
    #           },
    #           {
    #             "name": "_nsubrecs",
    #             "type": "Int32"
    #           }
    #         ],
    #         "records": [
    #           [
    #             "1",
    #             1
    #           ]
    #         ]
    #       },
    #       "tag2": {
    #         "n_hits": 1,
    #         "columns": [
    #           {
    #             "name": "_key",
    #             "type": "ShortText"
    #           },
    #           {
    #             "name": "_nsubrecs",
    #             "type": "Int32"
    #           }
    #         ],
    #         "records": [
    #           [
    #             "2",
    #             1
    #           ]
    #         ]
    #       }
    #     }
    #   }
    # }

    ctor, displaying right after drilldowns as result of select, should be tag1 in correct case. In this sample, ctor is shown instead of tag1. However, what kind of value to be shown is unknown.

  • [NormalizerTable] Fix a bug for Groonga to crush with specific definition setting in NormalizerTable.

    Following case as sample.

    table_create Normalizations TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130
    column_create Normalizations normalized COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    load --table Normalizations
    {"_key": "Ⅰ", "normalized": "1"},
    {"_key": "Ⅱ", "normalized": "2"},
    {"_key": "Ⅲ", "normalized": "3"}
    normalize 'NormalizerTable("normalized", "Normalizations.normalized")'   "ⅡⅡ"

    This bug is reported to occur when condition meet following 1., 2., and 3..

    1. Keys are normalized in the target table.

      In this sample, it meets condition specifying --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130 in Normalizations. Original keys, , ,and , are normalized each into i, ii, iii with NormalizerNFKC130.

    2. Same characters in the normalized key are included in the other normalized key.

      In this sample, it meets condition because normalized key iii includes the characters ii and i, same with other normalized keys which are original key and .

    3. Same characters of 2nd condition are used multiple times.

      In this sample, it meets condition because normalized key iiii, original key ⅡⅡ with NormalizerNFKC130, is considered as same with normalized key for and with NormalizerNFKC130.

      Normalizing iiii with Normalizations takes following steps and it meets the condition.

      • First iii ( applied for )

        ii or i are not used at first because NormalizerTable works with the Longest-Common-Prefix search.

      • Last i ( applied for )

Known Issues

  • Currently, Groonga has a bug that there is possible that data is corrupt when we execute many additions, delete, and update data to vector column.

  • *< and *> only valid when we use query() the right side of filter condition. If we specify as below, *< and *> work as &&.

    • 'content @ "Groonga" *< content @ "Mroonga"'
  • Groonga may not return records that should match caused by GRN_II_CURSOR_SET_MIN_ENABLE.


Please refert to the following news for more details.

News Release 12.1.1

Let's search by Groonga!