

Groonga 10.1.1 has been released

Groonga 10.1.1 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:

  • select Added support for outputting UInt64 value in Apache Arrow format.

  • select Added support for outputting a number of hits in Apache Arrow format.

  • select Improved performance for a prefix search.

  • query Added support for optimization of "order by estimated size".

  • between Improved performance.

  • TokenMecab Improved performance for parallel construction fo token column.

  • sub_filter Fixed a bug that sub_filter doesn’t work in slices[].filter.

  • Fixed a bug that it is possible that we can’t add data and Groonga crash when we repeat much addition of data and deletion of data against a hash table.


Please refert to the following news for more details.

News Release 10.1.1

Let's search by Groonga!