

Groonga 14.0.0 has been released

Groonga 14.0.0 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • Added a new tokenizer TokenH3Index (experimental).

    TokenH3Indextokenizes WGS84GetPoint to UInt64(H3 index).

  • Added support for offline and online index construction with non text based tokenizer (experimental).

    TokenH3Index is one of non text based tokenizers.

  • [select] Added support for searching by index with non text based tokenizer (experimental).

    TokenH3Index is one of non text based tokenizers.

  • Added new functions distance_cosine(), distance_inner_product(), distance_l2_norm_squared(), distance_l1_norm().

    We can only get records that a small distance as vector with these functions and limit N

    These functions calculate distance in the output stage.

    However, we don't optimaize these functions yet.

    • distance_cosine(): Calculate cosine similarity.
    • distance_inner_product(): Calculate inner product.
    • distance_l2_norm_squared(): Calculate euclidean distance.
    • distance_l1_norm(): Calculate manhattan distance.
  • Added a new function number_round().

  • [load] Added support for parallel load.

    This feature only enable when the input_type of load is apache-arrow.

    This feature one thread per column. If there are many target columns, it will reduce load time.

  • [select] We can use uvector as much as possible for array literal in --filter.

    uvector is vector of elements with fix size.

    If all elements have the same type, we use uvector instead vector.

  • [status] Added n_workers to output of status.

  • Optimized a dynamic column creation.

  • [WAL] Added support for rebuilding broken indexes in parallel.

  • [select] Added support for Int64 in output_type=apache-arrow for columns that reference other table.


  • [Windws] Fixed path for documents of groonga-normalizer-mysql in package for Windows.

    Documents of groonga-normalizer-mysql put under the share/ in this release.

  • [select] Fixed a bug that Groonga may crash when we use bitwise operations.


Please refert to the following news for more details. News Release 14.0.0

Let's search by Groonga!