

Groonga 14.0.4 has been released

Groonga 14.0.4 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • [query_parallel_or] Fixed a bug that the match_escalation_threshold or force_match_escalation options were ignored when using query_parallel_or().

    Before the fix, even when match_escalation_threshold was set to disable match escalation, the results still escalated when we use query_parallel_or(). This problem occurred only query_parallel_or(). query() don't occur this problem.

    Generally, we don't disable match escalation. Because we want to get something search results. The number of hits is 0 is the unwelcome result of us. Therefore, this problem has no effect by many users. However, it has effect by user who use stop word as below.

    plugin_register token_filters/stop_word
    table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
      --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
      --normalizer NormalizerAuto \
      --token_filters TokenFilterStopWord
    column_create Terms memos_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Memos content
    column_create Terms is_stop_word COLUMN_SCALAR Bool
    load --table Terms
       {"_key": "and", "is_stop_word": true}
    load --table Memos
      {"content": "Hello"},
      {"content": "Hello and Good-bye"},
      {"content": "Good-bye"}
    select Memos \
      --filter 'query_parallel_or(["content", "content", "content", "content"], \
                "and", \
                {"options": {"TokenFilterStopWord.enable": true}})' \
      --match_escalation_threshold -1 \
      --sort_keys -_score

    We don't want to match a keyword that is registered as stopword. Therefore, we set -1 to match_escalation_threshold in the above example.

    We expect that Groonga doesn't return records in the above example because of escalation disable and search keyword(and) is registered as stopword. However, If this problem occur, Groonga returns match record. Because if we use query_parallel_or(), match_escalation_threshold doesn't work.

  • Fixed a bug that full-text search againt a reference column of a vector didn't work.

    This problem has occured Groonga v14.0.0 or later. This problem has effect if we execute full-text search against a reference column of a vector.

    We expected that Groonga returns [1, "Linux MySQL"] and [2, "MySQL Groonga"] as below example. However, before the fix, Groonga always returned 0 hits as below because of we executed full-text search on a reference column of a vector.

    table_create bugs TABLE_PAT_KEY UInt32
    table_create tags TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenDelimit
    column_create tags name COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    column_create bugs tags COLUMN_VECTOR tags
    load --table bugs
      ["_key", "tags"],
      [1, "Linux MySQL"],
      [2, "MySQL Groonga"],
      [3, "Mroonga"]
    column_create tags bugs_tags_index COLUMN_INDEX bugs tags
    select --table bugs --filter 'tags @ "MySQL"'


Please refert to the following news for more details. News Release 14.0.4

Let's search by Groonga!