

Groonga 10.0.3 has been released

Groonga 10.0.3 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:

  • We came to be able to construct an inverted index from data that are tokenized in advance.

  • select We came to be able to specify a vector for the argument of a function.

  • select Added a new stage result_set for dynamic columns.

    • This stage generates a column into a result set table. Therefore, it is not generated if query or filter doesn't exist

      • Because if query or filter doesn't exist, Groonga doesn't make a result set table.
    • We can't use _value for the stage. The result_set stage is for storing value by score_column.

  • [vector_slice] Added support for weight vector that has weight of Float32 type.

  • select Added support for filtered stage and output stage of dynamic columns on drilldowns.

    • We can use filtered and output stage of dynamic columns on drilldowns as with drilldowns[Label].stage filtered and drilldowns[Label].stage output.
  • select Added support for Float type value in aggregating on drilldown.

    • We can aggregate max value, min value, and sum value for Float type value using MAX, MIN, and SUM.
  • query, geo_in_rectangle, geo_in_circle Added a new option score_column for query(), geo_in_rectangle(), and geo_in_circle().

  • [Windows] Groonga came to be able to output backtrace when it occurs error even if it doesn't crash.

  • [Windows] Dropped support for old Windows.

    • Groonga for Windows come to require Windows 8 (Windows Server 2012) or later from 10.0.3.
  • select Improved sort performance when sort keys were mixed referable sort keys and the other sort keys.

  • select Improved sort performance when sort keys are all referable keys case.

  • select Improve scorer performance as a _socre = column1*X + column2*Y + ... case.

    • This optimization effective when there are many + or * in _score.
    • At the moment, it has only effective against + and *.
  • select Added support for phrase near search.

  • vector Added support for float32 weight vector.

  • Fixed a crash bug if the modules (tokenizers, normalizers, and token filters) are used at the same time from multiple threads.

  • Fixed precision of Float32 value when it outputted.

    • The precision of it changes to 8-digit to 7-digit from 10.0.3.
  • Fixed a bug that Groonga used the wrong cache when the query that just the parameters of dynamic column different was executed.

We came to be able to construct an inverted index from data that are tokenized in advance.

  • The construct of an index is speeded up from this.

  • We need to prepare token column to use this improvement.

  • token column is an auto generated value column like an index column.

  • token column value is generated from source column value by tokenizing the source column value.

  • We can create a token column by setting the source column as below.

    table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
      --normalizer NormalizerNFKC121 \
      --default_tokenizer TokenNgram
    table_create Notes TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Notes title COLUMN_SCALAR Text
    # The last "title" is the source column.
    column_create Notes title_terms COLUMN_VECTOR Terms title

select We came to be able to specify a vector for the argument of a function.

  • For example, flags options of query can describe by a vector as below.

    select \
      --table Memos \
      --filter 'query("content", "-content:@mroonga", \
                      { \
                        "expander": "QueryExpanderTSV", \
                        "flags": ["ALLOW_LEADING_NOT", "ALLOW_COLUMN"] \

query, geo_in_rectangle, geo_in_circle Added a new option score_column for query(), geo_in_rectangle(), and geo_in_circle().

  • We can store a score value by condition using score_column.

  • Normally, Groonga calculate a score by adding scores of all conditions. However, we sometimes want to get a score value by condition.

  • For example, if we want to only use how near central coordinate as score as below, we use score_column.

    table_create LandMarks TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create LandMarks name COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    column_create LandMarks category COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
    column_create LandMarks point COLUMN_SCALAR WGS84GeoPoint
    table_create Points TABLE_PAT_KEY WGS84GeoPoint
    column_create Points land_mark_index COLUMN_INDEX LandMarks point
    load --table LandMarks
      {"name": "Aries"      , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "11x11"},
      {"name": "Taurus"     , "category": "Lighthouse", "point": "9x10" },
      {"name": "Gemini"     , "category": "Lighthouse", "point": "8x8"  },
      {"name": "Cancer"     , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "12x12"},
      {"name": "Leo"        , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "11x13"},
      {"name": "Virgo"      , "category": "Temple"    , "point": "22x10"},
      {"name": "Libra"      , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "14x14"},
      {"name": "Scorpio"    , "category": "Temple"    , "point": "21x9" },
      {"name": "Sagittarius", "category": "Temple"    , "point": "43x12"},
      {"name": "Capricorn"  , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "33x12"},
      {"name": "Aquarius"   , "category": "mountain"  , "point": "55x11"},
      {"name": "Pisces"     , "category": "Tower"     , "point": "9x9"  },
      {"name": "Ophiuchus"  , "category": "mountain"  , "point": "21x21"}
    select LandMarks \
      --sort_keys 'distance' \
      --columns[distance].stage initial \
      --columns[distance].type Float \
      --columns[distance].flags COLUMN_SCALAR \
      --columns[distance].value 0.0 \
      --output_columns 'name, category, point, distance, _score' \
      --limit -1 \
      --filter 'geo_in_circle(point, "11x11", "11x1", {"score_column": distance}) && category == "Tower"'
  • The sort by _score is meaningless in the above example. Because the value of _score is all 1 by category == "Tower". However, we can sort distance from central coordinate using score_column.

select Improved sort performance when sort keys were mixed referable sort keys and the other sort keys.

  • We improved sort performance if mixed referable sort keys and the other and there are referable keys two or more.

    • Referable sort keys are sort keys that except below them.

      • Compressed columns
      • _value against the result of drilldown that is specified multiple values to the key of drilldown.
      • _key against patricia trie table that has not the key of ShortText type.
      • _score
  • The more sort keys that except string, a decrease in the usage of memory for sort.

  • We can search phrase by phrase by a near search.

    • Query syntax for near phrase search is *NP"Phrase1 phrase2 ...".
    • Script syntax for near phrase search is column *NP "phrase1 phrase2 ...".

    • If the search target phrase includes space, we can search for it by surrounding it with " as below.

      table_create Entries TABLE_NO_KEY
      column_create Entries content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
      table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
        --default_tokenizer 'TokenNgram("unify_alphabet", false, \
                                        "unify_digit", false)' \
        --normalizer NormalizerNFKC121
      column_create Terms entries_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries content
      load --table Entries
      {"content": "I started to use Groonga. It's very fast!"},
      {"content": "I also started to use Groonga. It's also very fast! Really fast!"}
      select Entries --filter 'content *NP "\\"I started\\" \\"use Groonga\\""' --output_columns 'content'
              "I started to use Groonga. It's very fast!"

vector Added support for float32 weight vector.

  • We can store weight as float32 instead of uint32.
  • We need to add WEIGHT_FLOAT32 flag when execute column_create to use this feature.

    column_create Records tags COLUMN_VECTOR|WITH_WEIGHT|WEIGHT_FLOAT32 Tags
  • However, WEIGHT_FLOAT32 flag isn't available with COLUMN_INDEX flag for now.


Let's search by Groonga!