

Groonga 2.1.2 has been released

Groonga 2.1.2 has been released!

How to install: Install

There are three topics for this release.

  • Supported multiple query() in a select command
  • Improved to install missing MeCab dictionary for groonga-tokenizer-mecab
  • Supported Fedora 18

Supported multiple query() in a select command

In this release, you can simplify a select command by using query() function. For example, you can specify --match_columns and --query option. You can do the same thing by using query() in --filter option.

Let's full text search 'alice' from 'User' table's 'name' column. (There is a required condition that you specify 10 as the value of weight to name column.)

Here is the sample schema:

  table_create Users TABLE_NO_KEY
  column_create Users name COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
  column_create Users memo COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

  table_create Lexicon TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText 
    --default_tokenizer TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlphaDigit 
    --normalizer NormalizerAuto
  column_create Lexicon users_name COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Users name
  column_create Lexicon users_memo COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Users memo

Here is the sample data:

  load --table Users
  {"name": "Alice", "memo": "groonga user"},
  {"name": "Alisa", "memo": "mroonga user"},
  {"name": "Bob",   "memo": "rroonga user"},
  {"name": "Tom",   "memo": "nroonga user"},
  {"name": "Tobby", "memo": "groonga and mroonga user. mroonga is ..."},

Here is the difference of query which does the same thing by --match_columns and --query or by query() in --filter.


  select Users 
    --output_columns name,_score 
    --match_columns "name * 10" 
    --query alice


  select Users 
    --output_columns name,_score 
    --filter 'query("name * 10", "alice")'

There is a few difference between first example and second one, so consider more concrete example such as weight spcified keyword.

If you use --query and --match_columns combination query, you can't specify the value of weight for each keyword.

  select Users 
    --output_columns name,memo,_score 
    --match_columns "memo * 10" --query "memo:@groonga OR memo:@mroonga OR memo:@user" 
    --sortby -_score

On the other hand, if you use query() function in --filter, you can specify the value of weight for each keyword.

  select Users 
    --output_columns name,memo,_score 
    --filter 'query("memo * 10", "groonga") || query("memo * 20", "mroonga") || query("memo * 1", "user")' 
    --sortby -_score

First case, the keyword 'groonga' and 'mroonga' is equivalent:

  ["Tobby","groonga and mroonga user. mroonga is ...",4],
  ["Alice","groonga user",2],
  ["Alisa","mroonga user",2],
  ["Bob","rroonga user",1],
  ["Tom","nroonga user",1]

Second case, by specifying the value of weight, the value of score for 'mroonga' is higher than the one for 'groonga'.

  ["Tobby","groonga and mroonga user. mroonga is ...",51],
  ["Alisa","mroonga user",21],
  ["Alice","groonga user",11],
  ["Tom","nroonga user",1],
  ["Bob","rroonga user",1]

By using query() function, you can get intended full text search results which are controlled by the value of weight.

Improved to install missing MeCab dictionary for groonga-tokenizer-mecab

This release began to support to install missing MeCab dictionary when installing groonga-tokenizer-mecab package.


  % sudo apt-get install -y groonga-tokenizer-mecab


  % sudo yum install -y groonga-tokenizer-mecab

In the previous release, there is no explicit depencency to MeCab dictionary as which MeCab dictionary you should use is according to the case.

But if you use groonga with MeCab tokenizer for the first time, it is inconvenient for you. So we had added dependency to MeCab dictionary to install with for groonga-tokenizer-mecab package.

There is no side effect if you already installed MeCab dictionary.

Supported Fedora 18

Fedora 18 had been released at Jan 15, 2013 at last. This release began to support Fedora 18.

See how to install groonga on Fedora 18 about detail.


See Release 2.1.2 2013/01/29 about detailed changes since 2.1.1.

Let's search by groonga!