

Groonga 12.1.0 has been released

Groonga 12.1.0 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • load Added support for slow log output of load.

    This feature is for Groonga's performance tuning. For example, you can use this feature to detect records that are taking time longer than average when load is slow.

    Slow log output would be enabled with specifying GRN SLOWLOG THRESHOLD as the Environment variable.

    Here is about specifying GRN_SLOW_LOG_THRESHOLD.

    • GRN_SLOW_LOG_THRESHOLD requires specifying time in seconds as a threshold. The time of the threshold can shorter than a second with specifying decimal number.
    • A log with debug level would be output if the processing time takes longer than specifyed time with GRN_SLOW_LOG_THRESHOLD.

    Setting for log level would be controled with log-level or log_level.

    What value to specify GRN_SLOW_LOG_THRESHOLD would depend on its environment and checking purpose. For an example, we can use following setting to check which records are taking longer time for load. For this, we specify the value based on necesarry time per 1 record caliculated with total number and time of load.

    Necessary time to process load would be checked in query-log.

    2022-11-16 16:41:27.139000|000000CE63AFF640|>load --table Memo
    2022-11-16 16:43:40.841000|000000CE63AFF640|:000133702000000 load(100000): [0][0][100000]
    2022-11-16 16:43:40.842000|000000CE63AFF640|:000133703000000 send(46)
    2022-11-16 16:43:40.842000|000000CE63AFF640|<000133703000000 rc=0

    In this example, the time would be as following;

    • Number of records: 100000
    • Time to process: 2 minutes 13 seconds = 133 seconds ( Based on Time stamp for beginning load : 16:43:27 and time stamp for end of load ( rc=0 ): 16:43:40 )
    • Time to process 1 record: 0.00133 seconds (133 divided with 100000)

    Therefore, we specify 0.00133 as a threshold in GRN_SLOW_LOG_THRESHOLD to check which records are taking longer time for load.

    Note: Enabling slow log may cause following bad effects.

    • Performance degradation
    • Larger log size

    Thus, the slow log is recommended to be enabled only necessary occasion.

  • API Added new API grn_is_reference_count_enable().

    This new API would return boolean weather reference count mode is enabled or not.

  • API Added new API grn_set_reference_count_enable(bool enable).

    This new API would enable or disable reference count mode.

    For secure usage, this API can't switch reference count mode if there are multiple open database.

  • API Added new API grn_is_back_trace_enable().

    This new API would return boolean weather logging back trace is enabled or not.

  • API Added new API grn_set_back_trace_enable(bool enable).

    This new API would enable or disable logging back trace.

    In some environments, Groonga crashes when logging back trace, logging back trace should be disabled in such envoronments.

  • status Added new items: back_trace and reference_count.

    reference_count indicates weather logging back trace is enabled or not as boolean.

    back_trace indicates weather logging back trace is enabled or not as boolean.

        "back_trace": true,
        "reference_count": false,


  • select Vector column Fixed a bug displaying integer in the results when a weight vector column specifies WEIGHT FLOAT32.

    This bug was only appeared in use of a weight vector column without reference type. A reference type weight vector column does not have this bug.

    The bug only affected on the final result display even though internal processes was in floating-point number.

    An example for this bug as follows;

    table_create Memos TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    column_create Memos tags COLUMN_VECTOR|WITH_WEIGHT|WEIGHT_FLOAT32 ShortText
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],true]
    load --table Memos
      "_key": "Groonga is fast",
      "tags": {
        "groonga": 2.8,
        "full text search": 1.2
    # [[0,0.0,0.0],1]
    select Memos
    # [
    #   [
    #     0,
    #     0.0,
    #     0.0
    #   ],
    #   [
    #     [
    #       [
    #         1
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "_id",
    #           "UInt32"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "_key",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "tags",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ]
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         1,
    #         "Groonga is fast",
    #         {
    #           "groonga": 2,
    #           "full text search": 1
    #         }
    #       ]
    #     ]
    #   ]
    # ]

    tags column is a ShortText type weight vector column, sample of non-reference type weight vector column.

    The results in this sample, the value 2 and 1 are returned as below, evne though the correct value should be 2.8 and 1.2.

      "groonga": 2,
      "full text search": 1

    Applying this fix, the results would be returned as follows;

    select Memos
    # [
    #   [
    #     0,
    #     0.0,
    #     0.0
    #   ],
    #   [
    #     [
    #       [
    #         1
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         [
    #           "_id",
    #           "UInt32"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "_key",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ],
    #         [
    #           "tags",
    #           "ShortText"
    #         ]
    #       ],
    #       [
    #         1,
    #         "Groonga is fast",
    #         {
    #           "groonga": 2.8,
    #           "full text search": 1.2
    #         }
    #       ]
    #     ]
    #   ]
    # ]

Known Issues

  • Currently, Groonga has a bug that there is possible that data is corrupt when we execute many additions, delete, and update data to vector column.

  • *< and *> only valid when we use query() the right side of filter condition. If we specify as below, *< and *> work as &&.

    • 'content @ "Groonga" *< content @ "Mroonga"'
  • Groonga may not return records that should match caused by GRN_II_CURSOR_SET_MIN_ENABLE.


Please refert to the following news for more details.

News Release 12.1.0

Let's search by Groonga!