7.3.24. index_column_diff# Summary#

Added in version 9.0.1.

index_column_diff command check where indexes are broken or not.

We can found already a broken index by this command. Normally, we don’t found it unless Groonga refer, delete, or update it. However, it is possible that Groonga crashes or returns wrong search results by using it. it make us want to found it in advance. This command useful in this case.


This command may use many memory and execution time depending on the size of the target index. Also, if we stop in the middle of execution of this command, the target index may break. Therefore, we suggest that we don’t execute this command on active system, but execute this command on standby system. Syntax#

Here is the syntax of this command:

index_column_diff table
                  [progress_log_level=debug] Usage#

Here is an example to check a index column in the database:

Execution example:

table_create Data TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],true]
table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
  --default_tokenizer TokenNgram \
  --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],true]
load --table Data
{"_key": "Hello World"},
{"_key": "Hello Groonga"}
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],2]
column_create \
  --table Terms \
  --name data_index \
  --type Data \
  --source _key
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],true]
truncate Terms.data_index
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],true]
load --table Data
{"_key": "Good-by World"},
{"_key": "Good-by Groonga"}
# [[0,1337566253.89858,0.000355720520019531],2]
index_column_diff Terms data_index
# [
#   [
#     0,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531
#   ],
#   [
#     {
#       "token": {
#         "id": 2,
#         "value": "hello"
#       },
#       "remains": [
#       ],
#       "missings": [
#         {
#           "record_id": 1,
#           "position": 0
#         },
#         {
#           "record_id": 2,
#           "position": 0
#         }
#       ]
#     },
#     {
#       "token": {
#         "id": 3,
#         "value": "world"
#       },
#       "remains": [
#       ],
#       "missings": [
#         {
#           "record_id": 1,
#           "position": 1
#         }
#       ]
#     },
#     {
#       "token": {
#         "id": 1,
#         "value": "groonga"
#       },
#       "remains": [
#       ],
#       "missings": [
#         {
#           "record_id": 2,
#           "position": 1
#         }
#       ]
#     }
#   ]
# ] Parameters#

This section describes all parameters. table#

Specifies the name of a table include check target of the index column. name#

Specifies the name of check target of the index column. progress_log_level#

Added in version 14.1.3.

Specifies the log level of progress logs.

The default log level is debug. So you need to log all debug logs to see progress logs.

If you use notice as a log level, you can see progress logs without other debug logs. See level for available log levels.

The default is debug.


index_column_diff Terms data_index --progress_log_level notice Return value#

index_column_diff command returns result of check indexes:



See Output format about HEADER.


This command returns the result of compression between the current value of the index column and the result of tokenize when this command execute as below:

  "token": {
    "id": TOKEN_ID,
    "value": TOKEN_VALUE
  "remains": [
      "record_id": RECORD_ID
  "missings": [
      "record_id": RECORD_ID,
      "position": POSITION

If there are something in remains, a token that Groonga was supposed to delete is remaining in a index.

If there are something in missing, a token that Groonga is supposing to remain in a index has been deleted from the index.

index_column_diff returns nothing as below when indexes haven’t broken:

index_column_diff --table table --name index_column
[[0,0.0,0.0],[]] TOKEN_ID#

TOKEN_ID is id of a broken token. TOKEN_VALUE#

TOKEN_VALUE is value of a broken token. RECORD_ID#

RECORD_ID is id of a record include a broken token. POSITION#

POSITION is appearing position of a broken token.