Future works
This is a list of future works of Senna. The developer is being recruited !
Search engine core
- Extends scoring algorithm(like Pivoted Unique Normalization) (not started)
- Extends normalize algorithm( http://sv-2.ryne.jp/dev/senna/ )
Storage engines
- Sqlite bindings ( http://www.dodgson.org/omo/t/?date=20061001 )
- Firebird bindings (not started)
- PostgreSQL bindings ( http://www.nttdata.co.jp/services/ludia/index.html )
Programming languages bindings
- PHP binding (Now, not maintained)
- Java binding (not started)
- Python binding (Masatake Iwasaki does: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/pysenna/)
- Python binding with SWIG ( http://www.void.in/wiki/SWIG-senna )
Server side
- Support for distributed environments (ex. MySQL Cluster support) (little done)
- Support for CMS (like MT) (not started)
- Support for apache module (not started)
- Support for application framework (like Ruby On Rails) (not started)
Client side
- MUA which classifies mails with fulltext search (not started)
- Desktop search (not started)