

Groonga 11.0.1 has been released

Groonga 11.0.1 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:


  • Debian GNU/Linux Added support for a ARM64 package.

  • select Added support for customizing adjust weight every key word.

    • We need to specify < or > to all keywords to adjust scores until now. Because the default adjustment of weight (6 or 4) is larger than the default score (1).

      • Therefore, for example, "A"'s weight is 1 and "B"'s weight is 4 in A <B. Decremented "B"'s weight (4) is larger than not decremented "A"'s weight (1). This is not works as expected. we need to specify >A <B to use smaller weight than "A" for "B". "A"'s weight is 6 and "B"'s weight is 4 in >A <B.
    • We can customize adjustment of weight every key word by only specifying <${WEIGHT} or >${WEIGHT} to target keywords since this release. For example, "A"'s weight is 1 and "B"'s weight is 0.9 in A <0.1B ("B"'s weight decrement 0.1).

    • However, note that these forms ( >${WEIGHT}..., <${WEIGHT}..., and ~${WEIGHT}... ) are incompatible.

  • select Added support for outputting Float and Float32 value in Apache Arrow format.

  • select Added support for getting a reference destination data via index column when we output a result.

    • Until now, Groonga had returned involuntary value when we specified output value like For example, A value of --columns[tags].value purchases.tag was ["apple",["many"]],["banana",["man"]],["cacao",["man"]] in the following example. In this case, the expected values was ["apple",["man","many"]],["banana",["man"]],["cacao",["woman"]]. In this release, we can get a correct reference destination data via index column as below.

        table_create Products TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText
        table_create Purchases TABLE_NO_KEY
        column_create Purchases product COLUMN_SCALAR Products
        column_create Purchases tag COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
        column_create Products purchases COLUMN_INDEX Purchases product
        load --table Products
        {"_key": "apple"},
        {"_key": "banana"},
        {"_key": "cacao"}
        load --table Purchases
        {"product": "apple",  "tag": "man"},
        {"product": "banana", "tag": "man"},
        {"product": "cacao",  "tag": "woman"},
        {"product": "apple",  "tag": "many"}
        select Products \
          --columns[tags].stage output \
          --columns[tags].flags COLUMN_VECTOR \
          --columns[tags].type ShortText \
          --columns[tags].value purchases.tag \
          --output_columns _key,tags
  • select Added support for specifying index column directly as a part of nested index.

    • We can search source table after filtering by using index_column.except_source_column. For example, we specify comments.content when searching in the following example. In this case, at first, this query execute full text search from content column of Commentts table, then fetch the records of Articles table which refers to already searched records of Comments table.

         table_create Articles TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
         table_create Comments TABLE_NO_KEY
         column_create Comments article COLUMN_SCALAR Articles
         column_create Comments content COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
         column_create Articles content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
         column_create Articles comments COLUMN_INDEX Comments article
         table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText \
           --default_tokenizer TokenBigram \
           --normalizer NormalizerNFKC130
         column_create Terms articles_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION \
           Articles content
         column_create Terms comments_content COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION \
           Comments content
         load --table Articles
         {"_key": "article-1", "content": "Groonga is fast!"},
         {"_key": "article-2", "content": "Groonga is useful!"},
         {"_key": "article-3", "content": "Mroonga is fast!"}
         load --table Comments
         {"article": "article-1", "content": "I'm using Groonga too!"},
         {"article": "article-3", "content": "I'm using Mroonga!"},
         {"article": "article-1", "content": "I'm using PGroonga!"}
         select Articles --match_columns comments.content --query groonga \
           --output_columns "_key, _score, comments.content
                   "I'm using Groonga too!",
                   "I'm using PGroonga!"
  • load Added support for loading reference vector with inline object literal.

    • For example, we can load data like "key" : "[ { "key" : "value", ..., "key" : "value" } ]" as below.

        table_create Purchases TABLE_NO_KEY
        column_create Purchases item COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
        column_create Purchases price COLUMN_SCALAR UInt32
        table_create Settlements TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
        column_create Settlements purchases COLUMN_VECTOR Purchases
        column_create Purchases settlements_purchases COLUMN_INDEX Settlements purchases
        load --table Settlements
          "_key": "super market",
          "purchases": [
             {"item": "apple", "price": 100},
             {"item": "milk",  "price": 200}
          "_key": "shoes shop",
          "purchases": [
             {"item": "sneakers", "price": 3000}
    • It makes easier to add JSON data into reference columns by this feature.
    • Currently, this feature only support with JSON input.
  • load Added support for loading reference vector from JSON text.

    • We can load data to reference vector from source table with JSON text as below.

        table_create Purchases TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
        column_create Purchases item COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
        column_create Purchases price COLUMN_SCALAR UInt32
        table_create Settlements TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
        column_create Settlements purchases COLUMN_VECTOR Purchases
        column_create Purchases settlements_purchases COLUMN_INDEX Settlements purchases
        load --table Settlements
          "_key": "super market",
          "purchases": "[{\"_key\": \"super market-1\", \"item\": \"apple\", \"price\": 100}, {\"_key\": \"super market-2\", \"item\": \"milk\",  \"price\": 200}]"
          "_key": "shoes shop",
          "purchases": "[{\"_key\": \"shoes shop-1\", \"item\": \"sneakers\", \"price\": 3000}]"
        dump \
          --dump_plugins no \
          --dump_schema no
        load --table Purchases
        ["super market-1","apple",100],
        ["super market-2","milk",200],
        ["shoes shop-1","sneakers",3000]
        load --table Settlements
        ["super market",["super market-1","super market-2"]],
        ["shoes shop",["shoes shop-1"]]
        column_create Purchases settlements_purchases COLUMN_INDEX Settlements purchases
    • Currently, this feature doesn't support nested reference record.

  • [Windows] Added support for UNIX epoch for time_classify_* functions.

  • query_parallel_or Added a new function for processing queries in parallel.

  • select Added support for ignoring nonexistent sort keys.

    • Groonga had been outputted error when we specified nonexistent sort keys until now. However, Groonga ignore nonexistent sort keys since this release. (Groonga doesn't output error.)
    • This feature implements for consistency. Because we just ignore invalid values in output_columns and most of invalid values in sort_keys.
  • select Added support for ignoring nonexistent tables in drilldowns[].table.

    • Groonga had been outputted error when we specified nonexistent tables in drilldowns[].table until now. However, Groonga ignore nonexistent tables in drilldowns[].table since this release. (Groonga doesn't output error.)
    • This feature implements for consistency. Because we just ignore invalid values in output_columns and most of invalid values in sort_keys.
  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.19.8.


  • reference_acquire Fixed a bug that Groonga crash when a table's reference is acquired and a column is added to the table before auto release is happened.

    • Because the added column's reference isn't acquired but it's released on auto release.
  • [Windows] Fixed a bug that one or more processes fail an output backtrace on SEGV when a new backtrace logging process starts when another backtrace logging process is running in another thread.

Known Issues

  • Currently, Groonga has a bug that there is possible that data is corrupt when we execute many additions, delete, and update data to vector column.


Please refert to the following news for more details.

News Release 11.0.1

Let's search by Groonga!