

Groonga 9.1.1 has been released

Groonga 9.1.1 has been released!

How to install: Install


Here are important changes in this release:

  • load Added support for Apache Arrow format data.

    • If we use Apache Arrow format data, we may reduce parse cost. Therefore, data might be loading faster than other formats.
    • Groonga can also directly input data for Apache Arrow format from other data analysis systems by this improvement.
    • However, Apache Arrow format can use in the HTTP interface only. We can't use it in the command line interface.
  • load Improve error message.

    • Response of load command includes error message also.
    • If we faile data load, Groonga output error detail of load command as below by this Improvement.
    table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
    load --table Memos
    {"content": "Groonga is fast"}
    load --table Memos
    {"_id": "invalid", "content": "Mroonga is fast"}
    [[[-22,0.0,0.0],"<_id>: failed to cast to <UInt32>: <\"invalid\">"],0]
    • If we want to output multiple error messages, we use output_errors option of command_version 3 as below.
    table_create Memos TABLE_NO_KEY
    column_create Memos content COLUMN_SCALAR Text
    load --table Memos --command_version 3 --output_errors yes
    {"_id": "invalid", "content": "Groonga is fast"},
    {"_id": "invalid", "content": "Mroonga is fast"}
          "message":"<_id>: failed to cast to <UInt32>: <\"invalid\">",
            "message":"<_id>: failed to cast to <UInt32>: <\"invalid\">"
            "message":"<_id>: failed to cast to <UInt32>: <\"invalid\">"
  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.17.7.

  • Groonga HTTP server Added support for sending command parameters by body of HTTP request.

    • We must set application/x-www-form-urlencoded to Content-Type for this case.
    • If we use the HTTP POST request, we can specify multiple parameters as below by the HTTP request body.
    POST /d/status HTTP/1.1
    Content-Length: 35
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


See Release 9.1.1 2020-01-07 about detailed changes since 9.1.0

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