Index File

Senna achieves high speed searching by using inverted index file.


Senna makes 4 files for each 1 index instance. If 'hoge' is a index specified by sen_create_index, Senna creates these files:


It is the symbols' table translates between outside document ID (string or numbers) and internal Senna document file ID.


This is buffering space for inverted file. It gets fixed size when target's index is initialized. (By default it reserves about 130MB.)


This is the entity of the inverted file. It refers the document ID and the appearing point from word ID.


It is a symbols' table translates between string of an appearing word (character element) and ID.

Size of indexes

The file, hoge.SEN.i, reserves fixed size when target's index is created, however if large documents are registered, its total size is modified: in case word indexes, it becomes about 1.3 times size of the registered document; in case of n-gram index, it gets about 2.5 times size of the registered document.

Initial size of .sen.i

By default it reserves 130MB, though, it can change by modifying the configure file (/var/senna/senna.conf):


If it is specified as above, initial fixed size changes to

number * 256KB

However INITAIL_N_SEGMENTS getting smaller, Senna gets worse performance to update indexes. It is better not to set quite smaller value than default (default value is 512).

生成時間: __qwik_page_generate_time__秒