News - 8 series#

Release 8.1.1 - 2019-01-29#


  • [logical_select] Added new argument --load_table, --load_columns and --load_values.

    • You can store a result of logical_select in a table that specifying --load_table.

    • --load_values option specifies columns of result of logical_select.

    • --load_columns options specifies columns of table that specifying --load_table.

    • In this way, you can store values of columns that specifying with --load_values into columns that specifying with --load_columns.

  • Improve error log when update error of index.

    • Added more information in the log.

      • For example, output source buffer and chunk when occur merge of posting lists error.

      • Also, outputting the log a free space size of a buffer and request size of a buffer when occurs error of allocating a buffer.

  • [groonga executable file] Added a new option --log-flags.

    • We can specify output items of a log of the Groonga.

    • We can output as below items.

      • Timestamp

      • Log message

      • Location(the location where the log was output)

      • Process id

      • Thread id

    • We can specify prefix as below.

      • +

        • This prefix means that “add the flag”.

      • -

        • This prefix means that “remove the flag”.

      • No prefix means that “replace existing flags”.

    • Specifically, we can specify flags as below.

      • none

        • Output nothing into the log.

      • time

        • Output a timestamp into the log.

      • message

        • Output log messages into the log.

      • location

        • Output the location where the log was output( a file name, a line and a function name) and process id.

      • process_id

        • Output a process id into the log.

      • pid

        • This flag is an alias of process_id.

      • thread_id

        • Output thread id into the log.

      • all

        • This flag specifies all flags except none and default flags.

      • default

        • Output a timestamp and log messages into the log.

    • We can also specify multiple log flags by separating flags with |.


  • Fixed a memory leak when occurs index update error.

  • [Normalizers] Fixed a bug that stateless normalizers and stateful normalizers return wrong results when we use them at the same time.

    • Stateless normalizers are below.

      • unify_kana

      • unify_kana_case

      • unify_kana_voiced_sound_mark

      • unify_hyphen

      • unify_prolonged_sound_mark

      • unify_hyphen_and_prolonged_sound_mark

      • unify_middle_dot

    • Stateful normalizers are below.

      • unify_katakana_v_sounds

      • unify_katakana_bu_sound

      • unify_to_romaji

Release 8.1.0 - 2018-12-29#


  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.15.8.


  • Fixed a bug that unlock against DB is always executed after flush when after execute a io_flush command.

  • Fixed a bug that reindex command doesn’t finish when execute a reindex command against table that has record that has not references.

Release 8.0.9 - 2018-11-29#


  • [Tokenizers] Improved that output a tokenizer name in error message when create tokenizer fail.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenDelimit] Supported that customizing delimiter of a token.

    • You can use token other than whitespace as a token of delimiter.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenDelimit] Added new option pattern.

    • You can specify delimiter with regular expression by this option.

  • [Tokenizers] Added force_prefix_search value to each token information.

    • “force_prefix” is kept for backward compatibility.

  • [Token filters] Added built-in token filter TokenFilterNFKC100.

    • You can convert katakana to hiragana like NormalizerNFKC100 with a unify_kana option.

  • [Token filters][TokenFilterStem] Added new option algorithm.

    • You can also stem language other than English(French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, Finnish) by this option.

  • [Token filters][TokenFilterStopWord] Added new option column.

    • You can specify stop word in a column other than is_stop_word column by this option.

  • [dump] Supported output options of token filter options.

    • If you specify a tokenizer like TokenNgram or TokenMecab etc that has options, you can output these options with table_list command.

  • [truncate] Supported a table that it has token filter option.

    • You can truncate even a tabel that it has token filter like TokenFilterStem or TokenStopWord that has options.

  • [schema] Support output of options of token filter.

  • [Normalizers] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that unify_to_romaji option.

    • You can normalize hiragana and katakana to romaji by this option.

  • [query-log][show-condition] Supported “func() > 0” case.

  • [Windows] Improved that ensure flushing on unmap.

  • Improved error message on opening input file error.

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.15.7.

    • contains security fix for CVE-2018-16843 and CVE-2018-16844.


  • Fixed a memory leak when evaluating window function.

  • [groonga-httpd] Fixed bug that log content may be mixed.

  • Fixed a bug that generates invalid JSON when occurs error of slice on output_columns.

  • Fixed a memory leak when getting nested reference vector column value.

  • Fixed a crash bug when outputting warning logs of index corruption.

  • Fix a crash bug when temporary vector is reused in expression evaluation.

    • For example, crash when evaluating an expression that uses a vector as below.

    _score = _score + (vector_size(categories) > 0)

  • Fix a bug that hits a value of vector columns deleted by a delete command.[GitHub PGroonga#85][Reported by dodaisuke]


  • dodaisuke

Release 8.0.8 - 2018-10-29#


  • [table_list] Supported output options of default tokenizer.

    • If you specify a tokenizer like TokenNgram or TokenMecab etc that has options, you can output these options with table_list command.

  • [select] Supported normalizer options in sequential match with record @ 'query'.

  • [truncate] Supported a table that it has tokenizer option.

    • You can truncate even a tabel that it has tokenizer like TokenNgram or TokenMecab etc that has options.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenMecab] Added new option target_class

    • This option searches a token of specifying a part-of-speech. For example, you can search only a noun.

    • This option can also specify subclasses and exclude or add specific part-of-speech of specific using + or -. So, you can also search except a pronoun as below.

      'TokenMecab("target_class", "-名詞/代名詞", "target_class", "+")'

  • [io_flush] Supported locking of a database during a io_flush.

    • Because Groonga had a problem taht is a crash when deleteing a table of a target of a io_flush during execution of a io_flush.

  • [cast_loose] Added a new function cast_loose.

    • This function cast to a type to specify. If a value to specify can’t cast, it become to a default value to specify.

  • Added optimize the order of evaluation of a conditional expression.(experimental)

    • You can active this feature by setting environment value as below.


  • Supported (?-mix:XXX) form for index searchable regular expression. [groonga-dev,04683][Reported by Masatoshi SEKI]

    • (?-mix:XXX) form treats the same as XXX.

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.15.5.

  • Supported Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)


  • Fixed a bug that the Groonga GQTP server may fail to accept a new connection. [groonga-dev,04688][Reported by Yutaro Shimamura]

    • It’s caused when interruption client process without using quit.


  • Masatoshi SEKI

  • Yutaro Shimamura

Release 8.0.7 - 2018-09-29#


  • [Tokenizers][TokenMecab] support outputting metadata of Mecab.

    • Added new option include_class for TokenMecab.

      This option outputs class and subclass in Mecab’s metadata.

    • Added new option include_reading for TokenMecab.

      This option outputs reading in Mecab’s metadata.

    • Added new option include_form for TokenMecab.

      This option outputs inflected_type, inflected_form and base_form in Mecab’s metadata.

    • Added new option use_reading for TokenMecab.

      This option supports a search by kana.

      This option is useful for countermeasure of orthographical variants because it searches with kana.

  • [plugin] Groonga now can grab plugins from multiple directories.

    You can specify multiple directories to GRN_PLUGINS_PATH separated with “:” on non Windows, “;” on Windows.

    GRN_PLUGINS_PATH has high priority than the existing GRN_PLUGINS_DIR. Currently, this option is not supported Windows.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenNgram] Added new option unify_alphabet for TokenNgram.

    If we use unify_alphabet as false, TokenNgram uses bigram tokenize method for ASCII character.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenNgram] Added new option unify_symbol for TokenNgram.

    TokenNgram("unify_symbol", false) is same behavior of TokenBigramSplitSymbol.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenNgram] Added new option unify_digit for TokenNgram.

    If we use unify_digit as false, If we set false, TokenNgram uses bigram tokenize method for digits.

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.15.4.


  • Fixed wrong score calculations on some cases.

    • It’s caused when adding, multiplication or division numeric to a bool value.

    • It’s caused when comparing a scalar and vector columns using != or ==.

Release 8.0.6 - 2018-08-29#


  • [Tokenizers][TokenMecab] add chunked_tokenize and chunk_size_threshold options.

  • [optimizer] support estimation for query family expressions. It will generate more effective execution plan with query family expressions such as column @ query, column @~ pattern and so on.

  • [optimizer] plug-in -> built-in It’s disabled by default for now. We can enable it by defining GRN_EXPR_OPTIMIZE=yes environment variable or using expression_rewriters table as before.

  • Enable sequential search for enough filtered case by default. If the current result is enough filtered, sequential search is faster than index search. If the current result has only 1% records of all records in a table and less than 1000 records, sequential search is used even when index search is available.

    Cullently, this optimization is applied when search by ==, >, <, >=, or <=.

    When a key of a table that has columns specified by the filter is ShortText, you must set NormalizerAuto to normalizer of the table to apply this optimization.

    You can disable this feature by GRN_TABLE_SELECT_ENOUGH_FILTERED_RATIO=0.0 environment variable.

  • [load] improve error message. Table name is included.

  • [load] add lock_table option. If --lock_table yes is specified, load locks the target table while updating columns and applying --each. This option avoids load and delete conflicts but it’ll reduce load performance.

  • [vector_find] avoid to crash with unsupported modes


  • [index] fix a bug that offline index construction for text vector with HASH_KEY. It creates index with invalid section ID.

  • Fix a bug that --match_columns 'index[0] || index[9]' uses wrong section.

  • [highlighter] fix a wrong highlight bug It’s caused when lexicon is hash table and keyword is less than N of N-gram.

  • [mruby] fix a bug that real error is hidden. mruby doesn’t support error propagation by no argument raise. mruby/mruby#290

  • [Tokenizers][TokenNgram loose]: fix a not found bug when query has only loose types. highlight_html() with lexicon was also broken.

  • Fix a bug that text->number cast ignores trailing garbage. “0garbage” should be cast error.

  • Fix an optimization bug for reference_column >= 'key_value' case

Release 8.0.5 - 2018-07-29#


  • [Script syntax] Added complementary explain about similar search against Japanese documents. [GitHub#858][Patch by Yasuhiro Horimoto]

  • [time_classify_day_of_week] Added a new API: time_classify_day_of_week().

  • Suppressed a warning with -fstack-protector. Suggested by OBATA Akio.

  • Added a new API: time_format_iso8601().

  • Exported a struct grn_raw_string.

  • Added a new API: grn_obj_clear_option_values(). It allows you to clear option values on remove (for persistent) / close (for temporary.)

  • [log] Reported index column name for error message [ii][update][one].

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.15.2.

  • [Ubuntu] Dropped Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) support. It has reached EOL at July 19, 2018.

  • [Debian GNU/Linux] Dropped jessie support. Debian’s security and release team will no longer produce updates for jessie.


  • Fixed returning wrong result after unfinished /d/load data by POST.

  • Fixed wrong function call around KyTea.

  • [grndb] Added a missing label for the --force-truncate option.

  • Fixed crash on closing of a database, when a normalizer provided by a plugin (ex. groonga-normalizer-mysql) is used with any option.

  • Fixed a bug that normalizer/tokenizer options may be ignored. It’s occurred when the same object ID is reused.

Release 8.0.4 - 2018-06-29#


  • [log] Add sub error for error message [ii][update][one].

  • Added a new API: grn_highlighter_clear_keywords().

  • Added a new predicate: grn_obj_is_number_family_bulk().

  • Added a new API: grn_plugin_proc_get_value_mode().

  • [vector_find] Added a new function vector_find().

  • Suppress memcpy warnings in msgpack.

  • Updated mruby from 1.0.0 to 1.4.1.

  • [doc][grn_obj] Added API reference for grn_obj_is_index_column().

  • [windows] Suppress printf format warnings.

  • [windows] Suppress warning by msgpack.

  • [grn_obj][Plugin] Added encoding converter. rules:

    • grn_ctx::errbuf: grn_encoding

    • grn_logger_put: grn_encoding

    • mruby: UTF-8

    • path: locale

  • [mrb] Added LocaleOutput.

  • [windows] Supported converting image path to grn_encoding.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenMecab] Convert error message encoding.

  • [window_sum] Supported dynamic column as a target column.

  • [doc][grn_obj] Added API reference for grn_obj_is_vector_column().

  • [column_create] Added more validations.

    • 1: Full text search index for vector column must have WITH_SECTION flag. (Note that TokenDelmit with WITH_POSITION without WITH_SECTION is permitted. It’s useful pattern for tag search.)

    • 2: Full text search index for vector column must not be multi column index. detail: groonga/groonga

  • [grndb] Disabled log check temporarily. Because it’s not completed yet.


  • [sub_filter] Fixed too much score with a too filtered case.

  • Fixed build error if KyTea is installed.

  • [grndb] Fixed output channel.

  • [query-log][show-condition] Maybe fixed a crash bug.

  • [highlighter][lexicon] Fixed a not highlighted bug. The keyword wasn’t highlighted if keyword length is less than N (“N”-gram. In many cases, it’s Bigram so “less than 2”).

  • [windows] Fixed a base path detection bug. If system locale DLL path includes 0x5c (\ in ASCII) such as “U+8868 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-8868” in CP932, the base path detection is buggy.

  • [Tokenizers][TokenNgram] Fixed wrong first character length. It’s caused for “PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH” characters such as “U+3231 PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH STOCK”.

Release 8.0.3 - 2018-05-29#


  • [highlight_html] Support highlight of results of the search by NormalizerNFKC100 or TokenNgram.

  • [Tokenizers] Added new option for TokenNgram that report_source_location option . This option used when highlighting with highlight_html use a lexicon.

  • [Normalizers] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that unify_middle_dot option. This option normalizes middle dot. You can search with or without (middle dot) and regardless of position.

  • [Normalizers] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that unify_katakana_v_sounds option. This option normalizes ヴァヴィヴヴェヴォ (katakana) to バビブベボ (katakana). For example, you can search バイオリン (violin) in ヴァイオリン (violin).

  • [Normalizers] Added new option for NormalizerNFKC100 that unify_katakana_bu_sound option. This option normalizes ヴァヴィヴゥヴェヴォ (katakana) to (katakana). For example, you can search セーブル (katakana) and セーヴル in セーヴェル (katakana).

  • [sub_filter] Supported sub_filter optimization for the too filter case. this optimize is valid when records are enough narrowed down before sub_filter execution as below.

  • [groonga-httpd] Made all workers context address to unique. context address is #{ID} of below query log.

  • [delete] Added new options that limit. You can limit the number of delete records as below example. delete --table Users --filter '_key @^ "b"' --limit 4

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.14.0.


  • [logical_select] Fixed memory leak when an error occurs in filtered dynamic columns.

  • [logical_count] Fixed memory leak on initial dynamic column error.

  • [logical_range_filter] Fixed memory leak when an error occurs in dynamic column evaluation.

  • [Tokenizers] Fixed a bug that the wrong source_offset when a loose tokenizing such as loose_symbol option.

  • [Normalizers] Fixed a bug that FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTERs such as U+FF21 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A aren’t normalized to LATIN SMALL LETTERs such as U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A. If you have been used NormalizerNFKC100 , you must recreate your indexes.

Release 8.0.2 - 2018-04-29#


  • [grndb][--force-truncate] Improved grndb recover --force-truncate option that it can be truncated even if locks are left on the table.

  • [logical_range_filter] Added sort_keys option.

  • Added a new function time_format(). You can specify time format against a column of Time type. You can specify with use format of strftime .

  • [Tokenizers] Support new tokenizer TokenNgram. You can change its behavior dynamically via options. Here is a list of available options:

    • n : “N” of Ngram. For example, “3” for trigram.

    • loose_symbol : Tokenize keywords including symbols, to be searched by both queries with/without symbols. For example, a keyword “090-1111-2222” will be found by any of “09011112222”, “090”, “1111”, “2222” and “090-1111-2222”.

    • loose_blank : Tokenize keywords including blanks, to be searched by both queries with/without blanks. For example, a keyword “090 1111 2222” will be found by any of “09011112222”, “090”, “1111”, “2222” and “090 1111 2222”.

    • remove_blank : Tokenize keywords including blanks, to be searched by queries without blanks. For example, a keyword “090 1111 2222” will be found by any of “09011112222”, “090”, “1111” or “2222”. Note that the keyword won’t be found by a query including blanks like “090 1111 2222”.

  • [Normalizers] Support new normalizer “NormalizerNFKC100” based on Unicode NFKC (Normalization Form Compatibility Composition) for Unicode 10.0.

  • [Normalizers] Support options for “NormalizerNFKC51” and “NormalizerNFKC100” normalizers. You can change their behavior dynamically. Here is a list of available options:

    • unify_kana : Same pronounced characters in all of full-width Hiragana, full-width Katakana and half-width Katakana are regarded as the same character.

    • unify_kana_case : Large and small versions of same letters in all of full-width Hiragana, full-width Katakana and half-width Katakana are regarded as the same character.

    • unify_kana_voiced_sound_mark : Letters with/without voiced sound mark and semi voiced sound mark in all of full-width Hiragana, full-width Katakana and half-width Katakana are regarded as the same character.

    • unify_hyphen : The characters like hyphen are regarded as the hyphen.

    • unify_prolonged_sound_mark : The characters like prolonged sound mark are regarded as the prolonged sound mark.

    • unify_hyphen_and_prolonged_sound_mark : The characters like hyphen and prolonged sound mark are regarded as the hyphen.

  • [dump] Support output of tokenizer’s options and normalizer’s options. Groonga 8.0.1 and earlier versions cannot import dump including options for tokenizers or normalizers generated by Groonga 8.0.2 or later, and it will occurs error due to unsupported information.

  • [schema] Support output of tokenizer’s options and normalizer’s options. Groonga 8.0.1 and earlier versions cannot import schema including options for tokenizers or normalizers generated by Groonga 8.0.2 or later, and it will occurs error due to unsupported information.

  • Supported Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)


  • Fixed a bug that unexpected record is matched with space only query. [groonga-dev,04609][Reported by satouyuzh]

  • Fixed a bug that wrong scorer may be used. It’s caused when multiple scorers are used as below. --match_columns 'title || scorer_tf_at_most(content, 2.0)'.

  • Fixed a bug that it may also take so much time to change “thread_limit”.


  • satouyuzh

Release 8.0.1 - 2018-03-29#


  • [Log] Show filter conditions in query log. It’s disabled by default. To enable it, you need to set an environment variable GRN_QUERY_LOG_SHOW_CONDITION=yes.

  • Install *.pdb into the directory where *.dll and *.exe are installed.

  • [logical_count] Support filtered stage dynamic columns.

  • [logical_count] [post_filter] Added a new filter timing. It’s executed after filtered stage columns are generated.

  • [logical_select] [post_filter] Added a new filter timing. It’s executed after filtered stage columns are generated.

  • Support LZ4/Zstd/zlib compression for vector data.

  • Support alias to accessor such as _key.

  • [logical_range_filter] Optimize window function for large result set. If we find enough matched records, we don’t apply window function to the remaining windows.

    TODO: Disable this optimization for small result set if its overhead is not negligible. The overhead is not evaluated yet.

  • [select] Added match_escalation parameter. You can force to enable match escalation by --match_escalation yes. It’s stronger than --match_escalation_threshold 99999....999 because --match_escalation yes also works with SOME_CONDITIONS && column @ 'query'. --match_escalation_threshold isn’t used in this case.

    The default is --match_escalation auto. It doesn’t change the current behavior.

    You can disable match escalation by --match_escalation no. It’s the same as --match_escalation_threshold -1.

  • [httpd] Updated bundled nginx to 1.13.10.


  • Fixed memory leak that occurs when a prefix query doesn’t match any token. [GitHub#820][Patch by Naoya Murakami]

  • Fixed a bug that a cache for different databases is used when multiple databases are opened in the same process.

  • Fixed a bug that a wrong index is constructed. This occurs only when the source of a column is a vector column and WITH_SECTION isn’t specified.

  • Fixed a bug that a constant value can overflow or underflow in comparison (>,>=,<,<=,==,!=).


  • Naoya Murakami

Release 8.0.0 - 2018-02-09#

This is a major version up! But It keeps backward compatibility. You can upgrade to 8.0.0 without rebuilding database.


  • [select] Added --drilldown_adjuster and --drilldowns[LABEL].adjuster. You can adjust score against result of drilldown.

  • [Online index construction] Changed environment variable name GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_ENABLE to GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD.

    GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD=0 == GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_ENABLE=no. GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD=-1 uses ii->chunk->max_map_seg / 2 as threshold. GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD > 0 uses MIN(ii->chunk->max_map_seg / 2, GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD) as threshold. GRN_II_REDUCE_EXPIRE_THRESHOLD=32 is the default.

  • [between] Accept between() without borders. If the number of arguments passed to between() is 3, the 2nd and 3rd arguments are handled as the inclusive edges. [GitHub#685]


  • Fixed a memory leak for normal hash table. [GitHub:mroonga/mroonga#190][Reported by fuku1]

  • Fix a memory leak for normal array.

  • [select] Stopped to cache when output_columns uses not stable function.

  • [Windows] Fixed wrong value report on WSASend error.


  • fuku1