
You can chose some system constitutions to implemented replication ready Groonga system. This document describes some patterns.

Here are available patterns:

Here are unavailable patterns:

Master slave replication

Master slave replication is available. This section describes how to configure your system constitution.

Small system

In small system, you just has two servers. One is the master Groonga server and the other is the slave Groonga server. You send all update commands (e.g. table_create, column_create, load and so on.) to fluentd. In fluentd, the groonga input plugin receives commands from client, passes through them to master Groonga server and passes through responses from master Groonga server to client. The groonga input plugin converts update commands to fluent messages when the groonga input plugin passes through comamands and responses. The fluent messages are sent to slave Groonga server by the groonga output plugin.

Here is a diagram of this constitution.

            update               update
             and                  and
            search  +---------+  search  +---------+
+--------+ <------> | fluentd | <------> | master  |
|        |          +---------+          | Groonga |
| client |        update |               +---------+
|        |              \_/
|        |  search  +---------+
+--------+ <------> |  slave  |
                    | Groonga |

Fluentd should be placed at client or master Groonga server. If you have only one client that updates data, client side is reasonable. If you have multiple clients that update data, master Groonga server side is reasonable.

You can use replication for high performance by providing search service with multi servers. You can't use replication for high availability. If master Groonga server or fluentd is down, this system can't update data. (Searching is still available because slave Groonga server is alive.)

Here is an example configuration file:

# For master Groonga server
  @type groonga
  protocol gqtp          # Or use the below line
  # protocol http
  bind         # For client side Fluentd
  # bind     # For master Groonga server side Fluentd
  port 10041
  real_host # IP address of master Groonga server
  real_port 10041        # Port number of master Groonga server
  # real_port 20041      # Use different port number
                         # for master Groonga server side Fluentd

# For slave Groonga server
<match groonga.command.*>
  @type groonga
  protocol gqtp            # Or use the below line
  # protocol http          # You can use different protocol for
                           # master Groonga server and slave Groonga server
  host       # IP address of slave Groonga server
  port 10041               # Port number of slave Groonga server

  # Buffer
  flush_interval 1s        # Use small value for less delay replication

  ## Use the following configurations to support resending data to
  ## recovered slave Groonga server. If you don't care about slave
  ## Groonga server is down case, you don't need the following
  ## configuration.

  ## For supporting resending data after fluentd is restarted
  # buffer_type file
  # buffer_path /var/log/fluent/groonga.*.buffer
  ## Use large value if a record has many data in load command.
  ## A value in load command is a chunk.
  # buffer_chunk_limit 256m
  ## Use large value if you want to support resending data after
  ## slave Groonga server is down long time.
  ## 17: about 1.5day =
  ##       ((2 ** 0) + (2 ** 1) + ... + (2 ** 17)) / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0
  ##     (default)
  ## 18: about 3.0day = ((2 ** 0) + ... + (2 ** 18)) / ...
  ## 19: about 6.0day = ((2 ** 0) + ... + (2 ** 19)) / ...
  # retry_limit 19
  ## Use large value if you load many records.
  ## A value in load command is a chunk.
  # buffer_queue_limit 10000

How to recover from fluentd down

If fluentd is down, you just restart fluentd. Note that you may resend the last command if fluentd is down while you are sending update commands.

You cannot update data until fluentd is up.

How to recover from master Groonga server down

Here are recover steps when master Groonga server is down:

  1. Stop fluentd.
  2. Run grndump /PATH/TO/SLAVE/GROONGA/SERVER/DB > SLAVE_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on slave Groonga server host.
  3. Run groonga -n /PATH/TO/MASTER/GROONGA/SERVER/DB < SLAVE_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on master Groonga server.
  4. Run master Groonga server.
  5. Start fluentd.

You cannot update data until you finish to recover.

How to recover from slave Groonga server down

Here are recover steps when slave Groonga server is down:

  1. Run grndump /PATH/TO/MASTER/GROONGA/SERVER/DB > MASTER_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on master Groonga server host.
  2. Run groonga -n /PATH/TO/SLAVE/GROONGA/SERVER/DB < MASTER_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on slave Groonga server.
  3. Run slave Groonga server.

You can update data while you recover. If your system can't process all search requests by only master Groonga server, your system will be down.

You need to recover slave Groonga server before fluentd's buffer queue is full (see buffer_queue_limit) or fluentd gives up retrying (see retry_limit). Here are recover steps when you cannot recover slave Groonga server before those situations:

  1. Stop fluentd.
  2. Run grndump /PATH/TO/MASTER/GROONGA/SERVER/DB > MASTER_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on master Groonga server host.
  3. Run groonga -n /PATH/TO/SLAVE/GROONGA/SERVER/DB < MASTER_GROONGA_DUMP.grn on slave Groonga server host.
  4. Run slave Groonga server.
  5. Start fluentd.

You cannot update data until you finish to recover.

Medium system

In medium system, you have three or more slave Groonga servers. Fluentd updates two or more slave Groonga servers with the copy output plugin and the groonga output plugin.

Here is a diagram of this constitution.

            update               update
             and                  and
            search  +---------+  search  +---------+
+--------+ <------> | fluentd | <------> | master  |
|        |          +---------+          | Groonga |
| client |               +--------+      +---------+
|        |                        |
+--------+  search  +---------+   |
|        | <------> |  slave  | <-+ update
| client |          | Groonga |   |
|        |          +---------+   |
+--------+  search  +---------+   |
|        | <------> |  slave  | <-+ update
| client |          | Groonga |   |
|        |          +---------+   |
+- ...  -+   ...        ...      ...

Here is an example configuration file:

# For master Groonga server
  @type groonga
  protocol gqtp          # Or use the below line
  # protocol http
  bind         # For client side Fluentd
  # bind     # For master Groonga server side Fluentd
  port 10041
  real_host # IP address of master Groonga server
  real_port 10041        # Port number of master Groonga server
  # real_port 20041      # Use different port number
                         # for master Groonga server side fluentd

# For slave Groonga servers
<match groonga.command.*>
  @type copy

  # The first slave Groonga server
    @type groonga
    protocol gqtp            # Or use the below line
    # protocol http          # You can use different protocol for
                             # master Groonga server and slave Groonga server
    host        # IP address of slave Groonga server
    port 10041               # Port number of slave Groonga server

    # Buffer
    flush_interval 1s        # Use small value for less delay replication

    ## Use the following configurations to support resending data to
    ## recovered slave Groonga server. If you don't care about slave
    ## Groonga server is down case, you don't need the following
    ## configuration.

    ## For supporting resending data after fluentd is restarted
    # buffer_type file
    # buffer_path /var/log/fluent/groonga1.*.buffer
    ## Use large value if a record has many data in load command.
    ## A value in load command is a chunk.
    # buffer_chunk_limit 256m
    ## Use large value if you want to support resending data after
    ## slave Groonga server is down long time.
    ## 17: about 1.5day =
    ##       ((2 ** 0) + (2 ** 1) + ... + (2 ** 17)) / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0
    ##     (default)
    ## 18: about 3.0day = ((2 ** 0) + ... + (2 ** 18)) / ...
    ## 19: about 6.0day = ((2 ** 0) + ... + (2 ** 19)) / ...
    # retry_limit 19
    ## Use large value if you load many records.
    ## A value in load command is a chunk.
    # buffer_queue_limit 10000

  # The second slave Groonga server
    @type groonga
    protocol gqtp            # Or use the below line
    # protocol http          # You can use different protocol for
                             # master Groonga server and slave Groonga server
    host        # IP address of slave Groonga server
    port 10041               # Port number of slave Groonga server

    # Buffer
    # ...

  # More slave Groonga servers
  # <store>
  #   @type groonga
  #   ...
  # </store>

TODO: ...

Large system

In large system, you have two or more slave Groonga server clusters. Fluentd that connects with master Groonga server updates two or more fluentds that are in slave Groonga server clusters with the copy output plugin and the forward output plugin. A slave cluster has a fluentd. Fluentd in slave Groonga server clusters updates slave Groonga server in the same slave Groonga server cluster by the copy output plugin and groonga output plugin.

Here is a diagram of this constitution.

            update                 update
             and                    and
            search    +---------+  search  +---------+
+--------+ <--------> | fluentd | <------> | master  |
|        |            +---------+          | Groonga |
| client |                |                +---------+
|        |                +------------------------------+
+--------+          +----------------------------------+ |
|        |          |        slave cluster             | |
| client |  search  | +---------+  update  +---------+ | |
|        | <------> | |  slave  | <------- | fluentd | <-+ update
+--------|          | | Groonga |          +---------+ | |
|        |          | +---------+   +-----------+      | |
| client |  search  | +---------+   |                  | |
|        | <------> | |  slave  | <-+ update           | |
+--------|          | | Groonga |   |                  | |
|        |          | +---------+   |                  | |
|  ...   |   ...    |     ...      ...                 | |
                    +----------------------------------+ |
+--------+          +----------------------------------+ |
|        |          |        slave cluster             | |
| client |  search  | +---------+  update  +---------+ | |
|        | <------> | |  slave  | <------- | fluentd | <-+ update
+--------|          | | Groonga |          +---------+ | |
|        |          | +---------+   +-----------+      | |
| client |  search  | +---------+   |                  | |
|        | <------> | |  slave  | <-+ update           | |
+--------|          | | Groonga |   |                  | |
|        |          | +---------+   |                  | |
|  ...   |   ...    |     ...      ...                 | |
                    +----------------------------------+ |
                                  ...                   ...

TODO: ...